And Another One……..Try Again!

This days I keep asking myself this question- what are the keys to sustainable growth?

I looked around and found some answers from Michael Jordan, Jack Welch, Napoleon, Nelson Mandela, Saint Peter and DJ Khaled.

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5 ways to lose trust within your team.

When extensively studied and researched, writings of great leaders like Jack Welch, Henry Ford, Augustus Caesar, Gandhi and, Oliver Cromwell collectively signal to five actions and attributes one should guard against to avoid losing trust within a team.

First of all, we need to know that being trustworthy in a team’s context means a team member can be depended upon to do what he or she is supposed to do or has promised to do while acting in the best interest of the team.  In other words, while working in a team, your dependability is directly proportional to the level of trustworthiness associated to you in the minds of your colleagues.

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